We are a Volleyball WA affiliated club based in South Perth, Western Australia. Our teams play in the WA Volleyball Junior League and the WA Volleyball League. We are committed to providing a positive and supportive environment for volleyball skill development and competition. We seek to promote personal and team development and provide an avenue for players of all ages and levels to play competitive volleyball.
All our coaches are fully accredited with Volleyball Australia.
Appointed Senior Head Coaches Laurel Wentworth and Nick McKenzie are both Volleyball Australia Elite trained and qualified, coach our State League Teams and oversee the development of Senior Squads.
Similarly Steve Page and David Hedge Head Coach and Coordinate our Junior Squads and are both Volleyball Australia Elite trained and qualified.
For biographies on all our Head Coaches please visit our news article here.
We are always looking for committed coaches. Whether you are interested in head coaching, assistant coaching or are interested in learning how to coach volleyball we are always happy to hear from you.